Theme for February – Controlled Folly

We either make decisions from the MIND, or we make decisions from the HEART! When we decide from the MIND we THINK we KNOW, we THINK it is the best, we THINK we are CLEVER when we get the results we WANTED, and we THINK we are bad when we get the results we did NOT WANT! But in all of this we are simply the LITTLE SELF busy getting lost in its own delusions of grandeur.

If, on the other hand, we make decisions based upon our HEARTS we KNOW for a fact that we do NOT know, and therefore whatever the results, they are for ever in the realm of an EVOLUTIONARY process, a process that guides us from one step to the next! But in BOTH cases, all our actions, all our decisions, are nothing more than FOLLY, for our fates are going to unfold regardless! So, yes, the wise man, rather than breaking his HEAD trying to figure it all out, simply ACTS upon what FEELS right for him, without prejudice, without preconceptions of what the results SHOULD be, and then ACCEPTS with HUMILITY the consequences of his actions. Such ACCEPTANCE is then in the nature of CONTROLLING his folly, rather than trying to AVOID it!

Article on Toltec Legacy

Controlling the contents of the dream is what is known as controlling folly. Our folly comes about, firstly, because we believe in the illusion that we are the victims of circumstance, and secondly, because of the fact that within incarnation we cannot alter the goal of the dream. No matter whether we take control of our lives or not, we cannot avoid the end product of the dream and, therefore, at the end of the day, we have to acknowledge the fact that all our actions amount to nothing more than folly – and yet there is a difference. This difference lies in the fact that if we try to avoid our fate by constantly running away from our challenges, we set up only more challenges and, through this, compound our folly by submitting to it. If, on the other hand, we face our challenges by taking control of our lives, then not only do we control our folly, but we actually also decrease it.

Volume IV

The warrior’s laughter, his tears and everything he does, are real enough, and yet they are also utter folly; for none of it changes anything. Yet the warrior chooses to do what he does, and he cares about what he is doing as if it matters that he cares, for in this way he controls his folly.

It is possible to act with great effect, and to gain much advantage, even when we know that our actions are mere folly. But we must first know that our actions are useless, and then we must act as if our lives depend upon the outcome. Such is the nature of the warrior’s controlled folly.

If you want to become a warrior you must learn that the warrior acts without believing, for he is not expecting to be rewarded for his actions — he simply acts because he feels like it. The only way you will discover the power inherent within this is to do those things that do not appeal to you because they make no sense.

Volume VI

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